Local Fruit, Grown with a Passion

Ecologically-Certified Apples



1915, New York USA

A cross between McIntosh and Ben Davis, this popular apple exhibits a sweet vinous flavor and crisp refreshing bite. 

Mid Season - Pies


1966, New York

This well-known, bruise resistant lunchbox apple has a balanced sweet-tart taste and crisp texture ideal for fresh eating. Its appealing deep color and melon undertones can be attributed to its parents: McIntosh and Red Delicious.

Mid Season - Fresh

Fulford Gala

Hastings, New Zealand

A solid blush strain of Gala that matures up to one week ahead of other Gala strains. Fulford Gala is a larger-sized Gala finishing with a blush rather than a stripe. It is not a good keeper, but it is an excellent choice to start the roadside or pick-your-own Gala season.

Early Season - Fresh

Golden Delicious

1890s, West Virginia

This apple is exceptionally sweet and rich, almost like eating raw sugar cane. Golden Delicious is also a versatile apple and can be used both for dessert and cooking purposes. The Golden Delicious is not related to the Red Delicious, thank goodness.

Late  Season - Fresh, Pies


Golden Russet

1845, New York State

Golden Russet is known as the champagne of cider apples. It makes a sweet, balanced, thick, smooth juice that is ideal for sweet or hard cider production. The Golden Russet is very aromatic and also excellent for fresh eating and baking. A superb keeper!

Mid Season - Fresh, Cider, Pies


1991, Minnesota

As it’s name implies, this favorite fresh eating apple has an exceptionally crisp and juicy texture, and an outstanding honey flavored sweetness.  As you bite into the cream-colored flesh, the large cells explode with juice in your mouth. An offspring of Keepsake, one of our favorites!

Mid Season - Fresh



1923, New York

Macoun is an offspring of McIntosh and Jersey Black. This extra sweet, very juicy tender apple has snow white flesh and wonderful aroma. Excellent for eating and sauces.
And how to say the name? It rhymes with town, not tune!

Mid-Season - Fresh, Sauces


1811, Ontario

This very popular apple has a white, tender, crisp flesh that’s spicy, highly aromatic, and full of juice. It was named after John McIntosh, a farmer in Ontario, Canada who found and introduced it in 1870. Macs are the best selling apple in New England and Canada!

Early Season - Fresh, pies


Mutsu (Crispin)

1948 Mutsu Province, Japan

Mutsu, also known as “Crispin,” looks like a large Golden Delicious and indeed one of its parents is Golden Delicious. Mutsu has a lovely sweet, honey flavor, cooks superbly well, and is a great keeper!

Late Season - Pies, Fresh

Northern Spy

1840s, New York

This heirloom apple is best known for its ability to keep through the winter, so expect to enjoy through the spring! Its large size, tart flavor, and pear undertones make for excellent pie, giving it the nickname "Northern Pie."

Late Season - Fresh, Pies


1960 Michigan, USA

This “Early Mac” is tart and ripens just before true McIntosh. They are great for fresh eating, salads and sauces. PaulaReds are crisp and savored as a first taste of fall!

Early Season - Fresh, Applesauce

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Red Delicious

1880, Iowa USA

Red Delicious is said to be North America's favorite red apple! It is favored as a fresh eating apple with a mild flavor and tender, crisp, juicy flesh and a thick skin that is packed with antioxidants. It was originally named “Hawkeye.” Red Delicious is a great keeper!

Mid Season - Fresh



1926, British Columbia CA

Spartan is a small, sweet apple and a favorite with children. It is very much a "McIntosh" style apple with bright white flesh. The flesh is very crisp and juicy. It has a “brisk” flavor and is commonly used in baking, sauce, and cider.

Mid Season - Fresh, Pies, Cider


Tydeman’s Red

1929, East Malling Research Station, England.

A cross between the McIntosh and Worcester Pearmain. The white, fine-grained, flesh is crisp, juicy, and is aromatic with a honeyed scent and a mild, sweet-tart flavor with notes of strawberries mixed with a hint of spice. Also known as Tydeman’s Early Worcester these apples are an early-season variety that are often classified as a dessert apple.

Mid Season - Fresh


Other Fruit

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Sweet & Tart Cherries

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Red Raspberries


European Pears